Maritime recruiting made fast and easy
Benefit from our recruitment network across Europe’s maritime hubs,
and only pay a success fee when you hire!
How we work
Looking for the right talent?

10.000+ profiles
With our extensive database of Jobwave profiles, CVs, and a broad network, we are connected to maritime top talent in seafaring, inland shipping, and offshore.

We put our cutting-edge advertising algorithms to work to reach out into the market and target relevant talent, including a free Job Ad Full.

10 languages
Our international team speaks English, Dutch, German, French, Polish, Latvian, Greek, Ukranian, Georgian and Russian, so we can very effectively advertise and connect locally.

Quality Candidates, Carefully Selected for You
Our recruiters personally select each candidate and conduct a preliminary interview to ensure they're a strong fit before introducing them to our clients. This way, you only meet candidates who are truly relevant, helping you save time and focus on the best talent for your team.

A successful hire
Once your vacancy is filled with a successful hire, we receive a success-fee commission. Our pay-per-hire model means we're fully invested in finding the right fit for your team—our success is shared with yours.
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Our pricing
Your Success is Our Success
We keep it simple,
so you know what to expect
A dedicated recruiter and advertising.
gross annual salary*
Only payable upon successful hire.
*Depending on the rank and scarcity of the profile, agreed upfront.
Need help contracting?
We can also do the hiring for you
Whether you are unsure about international contracting, or want to have candidates on trial first, we have a network of local partners that can facilate the (initial) contracting for you. All local labour laws and MLC 2006 convention certified.
The recruitment process
1. Establish recruitment assignement
We start by understanding your recruitment needs and establishing a success-fee arrangement.
2. Dedicated Recruiter Assigned
A dedicated recruiter is assigned to your project, serving as your personal contact throughout the recruitment process.
3. Strategic Talent Search
Our team searches for talent using our database, professional network, and targeted (localized) advertising. We also create a full job ad on Jobwave at no cost.
4. Candidate Selection & Preliminary Interviews
Each applicant is personally screened and interviewed by our recruiters to ensure a strong match, so you meet only the most relevant candidates, saving time and focusing on quality.
5. Client Review & Introduction
Qualified candidates are presented to the hiring manager for review. Upon confirmation of a fit, we facilitate a direct connection between the hiring manager and the candidate.
6. Feedback & Final Selection
Our recruiter gathers feedback from the hiring manager, declines unsuitable candidates on your behalf, and informs successful candidates to proceed with employment discussions directly.
7. Assignment Closure & Success-Fee
Once the vacancy is filled with the right hire, we close the recruitment assignment, and the success-fee is incurred.